
the past

Juneteenth is a day of celebration and reflection for the Black community, and our event on June 19th was no exception. We were thrilled to host a lively gathering filled with delicious food, amazing music, and plenty of dancing. The pool was a hit with attendees looking to cool off, and the atmosphere was filled with good vibes all around.

Our community came together to celebrate this important holiday and the progress we have made towards equality. We also took the time to honor those who have fought for our rights and remember the struggles of the past. It was a day of unity and joy, and we were honored to host such a memorable event.

We hope that everyone who attended left feeling uplifted and inspired by the positive energy of the day. We can't wait to do it all again next year!

Juneteenth 2022 by Black in Bali


Thank you to this year’s organizations and people that have committed to our Juneteenth commemoration with Black in Bali. Through your support, we’re able to inspire many more people in reflecting on what it truly means to be free.

sponsor 2022:

Gdas Bali Health & Wellness Resort